A Warm Welcome
From Our Headteacher

At Embleton View it is our aim that all students fulfil their potential, we provide a truly person-centred curriculum that enables them to make progress whilst removing barriers to their success. We know that this is achieved through clear collaboration with parents and carers and strive to create strong links between home and school.
We want our students to become confident adults who have a firm foundation to take on the challenges of life. To this aim we work within a caring and inclusive context, ensuring that equality of opportunity, respect and fairness are at the forefront of all that we do.
Gary Robinson – Head Teacher
Person Centered Special Education
Embleton View provide full and part-time education to students with SEMH, ASD and others with SEN. We work in partnership with the local authority, and schools and contribute to achieving the following objectives for these students:
- Improve outcomes for children and young people
- Ensure all students are in an education setting that best suits them
- Enable all students to achieve their potential
- Ensure all students are safe and feel safe
- Enable every young person to progress into post-16 suitable further education, training or employment
- Reduce unnecessary travel for children and young people
Our person-centred approach focuses on enabling children/young people to learn in the setting that best suits them and supports them in ways that achieve the following outcomes:
- Increased attendance in education
- Improved achievement of academic and vocational qualifications
- Reduction in gap in achievement for children and young people
- Reduction in students missing education
- Reduction in NEET (young people not in education, employment or training)
- Reduction in offending and anti-social behaviour
- Increase in community participation and contribution
- Reduced need to be educated out of area
- Increased student awareness towards their own vulnerable situation and how to take control
Supporting students in overcoming barriers to learning and life. We believe our school will nurture all individuals in their journey to achieve their full and unique potential. We are committed to developing a safe and stimulating learning environment that will enable our students to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners. We welcome students from all backgrounds and value their different experiences, interests and strengths, which will influence the way they learn and develop as people.
Commitment to Safeguarding
Embleton View is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
If you have a concern about yourself or someone else you know, please contact the safeguarding team below, or email safeguarding@aldgroup.co.uk or complete the form here.
Chris Lee
Designated Safeguarding Lead

James Gilbey
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Gary Robinson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

A Safe Stimulating Space to Learn
Therapeutic Approach
Embleton View staff are trained in Thrive therapeutic support and interventions. Embleton View also work in partnership with a number of therapeutic professionals in order to deliver a high-quality provision. We pride ourselves in supporting students to overcome external issues and obstacles that prevent them from learning and meeting their potential. Embleton View provide the following additional services:
Safe Learning Environment
Embleton View deliver education in a suitable, high quality physical environment that is conducive to learning and creates a positive ambience where students feel comfortable, secure and valued and where their self-esteem and self-confidence can be built.
We provide transport for our students but encourage independent travel when appropriate.
Specialist Staff
Embleton View make all efforts to ensure consistency of staff within the service to support continuity for students and integrated working with partners. All staff have safeguarding training and enhanced DBS checks appropriate to their role. All staff have diverse qualifications, suitable training, skills, attributes, knowledge and experience to meet the needs of the students.
Quality Offsite Opportunities
Embleton View work with a range of offsite providers. These opportunities offer supplementary vocational experience to enhance practical learning. We also work alongside professional sports people to provide high quality delivery to motivate children to get active.
We Work With
“S’s peer relationships have improved immensely and he has great respect for his tutors who are understanding of his needs.”
“I am overwhelmed at how J has matured into a fine young man from his time at Embleton View.”
“Teachers and support staff skillfully plan lessons tailored to meet pupils needs”
“As a family we are thrilled in the improved state of O’s social emotional mental health and wellbeing, Embleton view is meeting all his needs and has so helped him and us as a whole family.”
“We feel we have had a great deal of support from Embleton View staff, which is something we have not had from other schools”
“Both school sites provide a calm and welcoming atmosphere”
Our Latest News
Huge congratulations to our KS4 students for passing their Entry level 3 English Reading papers. We are all very proud of our students for all the hard work they have put into passing the exam. #congratulations #achievements
KS4 students enjoyed a visit to Tynemouth Aquarium learning about oceans and the creatures within them. #fish #learning
A lovely day out at Tweddle farm learning about the animals and even taking part in feeding the goats and the lambs. Great experience and day with new knowledge learnt. #farming #experience
KS4 students have been working extremely hard this term to finish their practical and theory level 1 food technology qualification. They have showed great improvement in their kitchen skills and are becoming very diverse in what they can create. #qualificaiton #food
Massive well done to our students mentoring each other to learn new skills in construction and thrive. #friendship #modelstudents
As part of mental health awareness week our students have accessed a mental health art workshop with the school councillor. They created art that showed what mental health is to them, as well as what helps them with their own mental health wellbeing. #mentalhealthawareness
Students enjoyed sharing time with each other and staff playing old styled dominoes. They worked on turn taking and building their friendships. #thrive
KS3 students have been working very hard on their writing, creativity and phonics work. They are showing great resilience and improvement in their determination to achieve the outcomes needed and desired. #writing
Thrive is a key element within our school to ensure students have the chance to build on friendships and learn ways to discuss emotions and build on communication. Both our KS3 and KS4 students have enjoyed time this week accessing thrive in different ways. #friendship
KS3 students accessed the driving range within their PE lesson working on their skills. Students shared great encouragement and resilience with each other. #golf
KS3 students accessed the unit showing amazing teamwork and communication as they worked together to sand the timber and then assemble it into a tunnel for the train set. #resilience #teamwork
KS3 students accessed Middleton Teasdale within their outdoor education lesson to go crystal hunting and climbing. Students showed great teamwork and resilience as they consistently encouraged each other and staff to achieve the task at hand. #teamwork #achievement
We had the delight of meeting some of our students beautiful pets Arnie and Bruno as part of celebrating national pet day. #pets #celebration
KS3 have been working very hard in the construction unit creating planters to place at the Embleton View venues to help with growing herbs and vegetables to use in food technology lessons. #sustainability
Today KS4 accessed Beamish Museum learning about the eras and working on some ILS skills by ordering their own food. They accessed the park expanding their friendships and community interactions. #friendship #ILS #Learning
lower ks3 selling at the Enterprise Sale this morning at stockton town centre, engaging very well with the community and made £60 profit
Today, We had the privilege of welcoming the MP for Darlington Peter Gibson for a Q&A Session - which the young people engaged fantastically well.
LKS3 took part today in the Teesvally ice festival at Billingham Forum today. Here are some of our students enjoying the ice!
#teesvallyicefestival #makingmemories
So far, our incredible students have raised £80 for Children in Need. With our BEARpees challenge where collectively they have done 1000 BEARpees
#ChildrenInNeed #BEARpees
Our staff and students were involved in the Anti Bullying campaign this week, wearing odd socks to raise awareness.
#AntiBullyingWeek2023 #MakeANoise
Get in Touch
Please let us know your enquiries / feedback / thoughts and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as we can.